Friday, 1 July 2011

Friday Fashion - Katie Walker

I was desperately looking for inspiration for our first Friday Fashion blog and couldn't find anything. I was about to give up and turn Friday Fashion into Art Fridays when I stumbled upon this store on the main page of Etsy. The dress caught my attention immediately and I was happy to discover a store with articles each prettier than the next. The pictures and presentation of the clothes are simply stunning and the clothing articles themselves are even more beautiful. The store offers a relaxed, yet sophisticated lifestyle and transports you to a brilliant world of fantasy where everyone seems serene and perfectly at ease. I encourage you to visit KT Jean Designs and discover these wonderful designs for yourself. Her store truly is a success and I only look up to such a designer! We wish her all the luck and hope her business grows and grows !


  1. wow! Thank you for all these kind words, I feel very honored to be feature here!


  2. I mean all those words! I loooove your work :)
